New MTC Conduit Agreement

New MTC Conduit Agreement

MTC construction crews will place the main line of fiber underground, and then each home will need their own, individual conduit drop. The process for this is as follows: Construction Crews will place the main line in easements, homes that agree to a Fiber Conduit will get an empty conduit bored up to their home during construction. Once the main line is completed, fiber will need pulled. After fiber is pulled, a MTC tech will come and place a small ONT box on the outside of your home, and splice the fiber. Once all of these are complete, service installation is ready to be scheduled.

Do you rent or own your home?
By selecting “Own” and completing this form, you certify that you are the homeowner of the property listed in the service address.

If you are not the property owner, please select “Rent” and provide the landlords name and phone number below.

Homeowner Verification
Please select “Rent” and provide the landlords name and phone number below.
Please list what you interested in.
Would you like to be periodically updated about the progress?